Joining The Team

Our on-boarding process is made of 4 simple steps. If you have any questions along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out! We are here to help!

If you’re ready to go, you can sign up here!

On-Boarding Process

  1. Go to 101 and 201

    Going to the first two growth track classes is essential for getting involved here at Milestone Church. 101 provides the framework for everything we do, and 201 is where we go over what it means to serve at Milestone Church. You can sign up for either one of those on our church website: here.

  2. Shadow a weekend service

    Come and shadow (observe) what we do on a weekend. You’ll get a great understanding of how our team works, and you’ll get to know some of the team. This is a low-pressure, noncommittal step.

  3. Training

    Depending upon what position you are interested in serving in, we spend some good time training you at that position. We’ll do our best to get you fully equipped and comfortable. For some of our positions, we have online training that you can go through before your in-person training. You can find that here: Training Page.

  4. Pair Up for the First Weekend Service

    We’ll schedule you for a weekend service and pair you up with a current member of our team. They’ll stick next to you during the services so you can ask questions and feel comfortable.

Characteristics Of The Team

Above all, we give our best, week in and week out. We show up ready to serve others with a great attitude and a humble heart. We always put our own preferences aside for the betterment of the team, and ultimately for everyone we’re serving.

Quick Facts - Serving On The Team

How often do I have to serve?

Our goal is to have all of our members serving once every 2-3 weeks. Because of work schedules, some of our team members serve once a month, but we aim for more often than that so you can retain the knowledge and practice of the gear you are working with. We also find that serving every couple weeks helps you find great friends on the team.

What does the weekend commitment look like to serve on the team?

Most positions on the team (with the exception of Audio and Video Director) serve on a Saturday or Sunday basis. If you are scheduled for Saturday, you’ll be expected to be at run through at 3pm and serve through both Saturday services. If you are scheduled for Sunday, you’ll be expected to be at run through at 8am and serve through 3 Sunday services. If it sounds like a lot, don’t worry, time flies when you are operating fun equipment!

What Do I Wear?

We ask that our team wear black tops with no graphics on them. Black pants or dark jeans are preferred. And most weekends, you’ll want to bring a dark sweater or jacket, because it can get cold in the worship center. For safety, you’ll want to wear close-toed shoes.

Is there any requirements outside of showing up to serve?

Preparation for the weekend is essential, but it doesn’t take long. We only ask that you listen and get to the know the songs we’ll be singing on the weekends you serve. You can easily do that through our scheduling software once you are on the team. We will also have occasional team nights, trainings, and hang outs that are not required, but helpful and fun if you can make it to those.